Sunday, February 6, 2011

Candle Burning Tips

Kalani's Kandles are made with a paraffin wax.  I like the way it performs; the tops are smooth, the color is saturated, and it holds an abundance of scent.  I prefer paraffin candles because all I smell is the fragrance I used.  With soy candles I can always detect that soy smell beneath the fragrance.  If you went to school during the 1970's and 1980's you know what I mean; that odor of soy burgers.  Some people say they prefer soy candles because paraffin candles produce too much soot.  There are three things you can do to prevent paraffin candles from making soot.  There is one thing I can do before you get the candle in the first place.  I can use the proper size wick for the container.  Here are your responsibilities once you get your candles home. 

1. Keep your wicks short.  I cannot stress this enough.  Keep your wicks short.  Before lighting your candle for the first time and every time thereafter trim you wick to no more than 1/4 inch high.  When a candle has burned for two to three hours extinguish it, let it cool, and trim the wick before relighting.

2.  Keep debris out of your candle.  Don't leave wick cuttings and match stems in your candle.  Don't play in the melted wax or pass your fingers through the flame.  I'm constantly telling my grown children not to do these things. 

3.  Keep lighted candles away from drafts.  A candle's flame should burn steadily, not flicker. 

Do the steps above and you will enjoy the strong aroma of a scented paraffin candle.

Below are more candle burning tips. 

Extinguish candles when you leave the room.  Don't leave lighted candles unattended. 

Keep candles away from small children for the obvious reason and because the Kalani's Kandles food scented candles smell just like real food. 

Place candles at least three feet from flamable objects such as curtains. 

Leave 1/4 inch wax at the bottom of the candle.  The container may get to hot if the candle is burned completely.  This could leave a dark spot on your furniture or the glass may break. 

Now that you know how to keep paraffin candles from giving off soot, go to to choose your triple scented candles. 


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